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-Aircooled Interstate Rescue Squad-
Founded August of 1999-2009
 Currently 3287 members worldwide!

Site fully updated 1/5/2010
We have members in all areas of Canada and the U.S. as well as worldwide members! (see drop down on map page)
Update- Greece now has its own page

AIRS is dedicated to assisting the intrepid VW traveler (All models!) when facing the occasional breakdown (of either yourself or your trusted VW). AIRS is a loosely knit group of volunteers of varying abilities who take the time to help other drivers in need. The number of AIRS members is growing daily. There is no president, no dues, no central location, and no shows. AIRS is NOT a loan, babysitting, bail, or towing service. If you need any of those types of things you might do well to look elsewhere. But if your VW leaves you stranded on a friendly or non-friendly highway and you need help,  your looking for a local "vw person" to contact because your new to the area,  or perhaps you'd even like advice or help on saving yourself $$ on that next engine rebuild by trying it yourself, this is a place you can turn to when on the road or at home. Just wont get ya home.

To use this service, simply click on "MAP" at the top of the site, and then click on your state. You will see a list containing people in that state, who have expressed a willingness to help. If you would like to use the AIRS list for your benefit, you must put your name on the map as well and volunteer your services, whatever they may be. The other requirement is that you report bad information such as bad email addresses and phone numbers when using the list. Failure to keep your info updated will result in you being removed from the list! Please pay attention to whether the person has put *ONLY CALL IF EMERGENCY* and do not call them unless it is an emergency. You can assume they probably do not have time to meet or chat with you, but are still willing to help if your in trouble. To sign up, click the SIGN-UP link at the top and fill out the form. It will be posted as soon as possible. (Updates happen approx once a month.) If your info is shown on the site but is wrong, use the EDIT link. DO NOT use the edit link if you DONT currently see your info on the site. To be removed from the list, send me an email and be sure to specify what state you are in.
*Be sure to read the FAQ before signing up or emailing, to answer any questions you may have and ensure things go smoothly*

I have dedicated this site to Kristin laurite. Click here to see why. UPDATE- HER KILLER HAS BEEN FOUND!!!
*This is a frame enhanced site*

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