by Brian Hoare
During the past 2 weeks I have finally painted my pop-top. Some painting took place on the weekends, and the rest occurred after work. I was fortunate to have warm dry weather during the entire job, no morning or evening coastal fog that often occurs at my house. The entire job took about 20 hours. I removed the front luggage rack for painting, and painted the rear poptop in place. I used the Interlux fiberglass paint and products from West Marine to do the job. I basically followed all the procedures specified by Interlux for surface prep, and used all their products.
At this point the job should be complete. I wasn't happy with how the paint went on when brushed, so I ended up sanding and adding a third coat to the luggage rack.
This was a pretty tedious, time consuming task, but my top sure is shiny now. Brushing and using a roller was not the greatest. Despite all my efforts, I was unable to eliminate all the brush marks. If I had the money and equipment, I would think spraying to tops would produce better results. Heck, if I had money I would pay a professional to do the job.
Material cost - Due to my third coat on the luggage rack, I needed to buy an extra can of paint to finish the job. With careful allocation of the paint and primer, a 2-coat paint job can be done with 1 quart of paint.
1 quart Interlux Paint $23
1 quart Interlux primer $18
2 cans 333 thinner $20
Sandpaper, brushes, $17
paint tray
latex gloves