Date: Tue, 24 Dec 1996 10:08:31 PST From: John Siple Subject: Re: VW Bus Lust >Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all the crazy VW people (I'm one) >on this list! > > My spouse thinks I am nuts for keeping the one I have, >how do I explain (or do I need to?) getting another one? Maybe this will >all pass when I get the bill for this Christmas, but for now, I want >another. Anybody else have this problem? Tell her you need another bus because the Isuzu might blow up. Tell her they always go up in value and are a better investment than California real estate. Tell her you need a place to keep the set of snow tires for the Westy. Tell her it's for when the kids go to college. You don't want them driving something of unknown origins and if you work on this new bus for a few years you'll really know its mechanicals. Tell her it is to keep somebody from junking it and screwing up the environment. Tell her VW buses are the only vehicles easily converted to solar electric and some day everybody will be solar electric. Tell her people hide drugs and diamonds in them and the odds are much better than the lottery of finding said treasures. Tell her it's cheaper than a new addition and you can sleep in the vans when she gets mad at you for buying another van. (If this makes sense to her repeat the one about the drugs and diamonds. Leave out the diamonds part.) Tell her vans keep men from going out with women not their wives. Tell her driveways last longer with vans parked over them and we all know how expensive driveways are. Tell her they keep conservative Republicans from moving into the neighborhood. I fear we may start a dnagerous thread here. ------------- John Siple /_| |__||__| ]| Seattle G| '72 | «--(*)-----(*)-ˆ= o ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Send SIGNOFF TYPE2 commands to LISTSERV@HOME.EASE.LSOFT.COM