The Air-cooled VW Handiwork of
Ron Van Ness,
Dale Mueller,
Caspar de Lint
and Friends
'71 Westfalia celebrates engine's maiden voyage.
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Dale's "Sam the '73 Thing" strikes a pose.
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Caspar fabricating his gasoline heater exhaust. The Real Wild Pano arrives in style at the Brighton seafront.
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Seat Padding Replacement (driver's seat '68-'74 Bus) by Caspar de Lint
Accessorizing the Bus
Custom Tool and Hydraulic Floor Jack Storage in a '71 Westy
A Roof Rack over the Long Style '68-up Bus Poptop
Replacing the '69-79 Bus Front Door Lock Spring
Lessons Learned on Rebuilding the Air Cooled 1600cc by Dale Mueller
Engine Test Stand by Dale Mueller
Compression Ratio Calculator (Excel Spreadsheet) by Dale Mueller and Ron Van Ness
Type 3 Air Deflector (Cool Tin) Installation
Doghouse Oil Cooler Sealing Frame Fabrication by Dale Mueller
A First Timer's 1600cc Engine Rebuild Notes
1600cc Rebuild Parts Check List
An Auxiliary Oil Cooler Option