Brake Adjuster Spring Steel Retainers
by Brian Verbeek
"I know that at least one of the little bits of spring steel that attach to the block that the stars ride in is gone, and others are most likely weak. I also know that these blocks are NLA."
The rear backing plates as a whole were only discontinued recently here in Europe. I have two new ones on my '73, they listed $55 ex tax each. I had them zincplated. From time to time you see NOS earlier backing plates being offered at the shows for around $30 to $40 each.
The funny thing about the new plates is that they didn't have holes for pins and springs that keep them shoes to the plates--they don't have to be used anymore.
As for the little flat spring that keeps the adjuster stars from turning, look around at the shows, or order them for a drum brake Porsche 356. The 356 fronts have two adjusters per side, with one seperate spring each. These are held to the adjuster housing with a small 4mm screw. You can drill and tap and screw it on there and it can be replaced easily. Most early Porsche parts are available from the Porsche dealer and surely from all Porsche parts houses.