Bosch Ignition Parts for Flat Four VWs
by Brian Verbeek
These part numbers are extracted from a early 80s Bosch catalog, so I expect them to be 100% reliable, but a typo is easily overlooked...
HP Coils: --------- From higest performance coil down. 0 221 119 054 Bosch Red coil, 12V, kit, include. resistance, relay and bracket. 0 221 119 021 Bosch Black coil, 12V. 0 227 900 002 0.9 Ohm resistance for black coil. 0 221 119 027 Bosch Blue coil, 12V. 0 221 124 001 Bosch Blue coil, 6V. 1 221 310 053 Bracket for all round Bosch coils. OE Coils: -------- 0 221 119 027 Transporter 1.9 Nigeria wasserboxer 09/82>on / Transporter 1.6 Nigeria 04/80>on / Transporter 1.8 Jetronic 02/74>12/75 / Transporter 2.0 Jetronic 01/76>on / Transporter 2.0 Jetronic 01/76>07/78 California 0 221 123 007 Transporter 1.6 08/68>02/79 / Transporter 1.7 11/71>08/73 / Transporter 1.8 08/73>07/75 / Transporter 2.0 08/75>03/79 0 221 122 023 Transporter (Vanagon) 1.6 03/79>on / Transporter 1.6 Nigeria 03/79>03/80 / Transporter 1.9 wasserboxer 09/82>on / Transporter 2.0 04/79>on / Transporter 2.0 Jetronic 08/78>on California 0 221 107 006 Transporter 1.6 08/68>02/79 the catalog states that this one is for "radiowave measuring vehicles" maybe also for police busses. Bosch TSZ series electronic ignition kit: ----------------------------------------- 0 227 051 906 TSZ-k universal 12V EI kit, incl. EI unit, coil, resistance. Bosch about the TSZ-k: -Maintenance free. -High(er) voltage. -Higher voltage at start speed due to the (included) resistance. -Smoother running throughout the whole RPM range. -Better use of fuel. -Lower emissions. -Fits all 4 or 6 cylinder vehicles. Distributor, points, rotor, distributorcap, condensers: ------------------------------------------------------- Sequence as found in catalog. Engine displacement often not clear, thus not always included here. There are some lines that appearto be exactly the same, their position on the list can tell you more, that's how Bosch did it and i kept it like that. Type: Year: Distributor: Points: Rotor: Distr.cap: Condenser: 1 L-Jetronic 08/74>12/79 0 231 176 044 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 251 1 L-Jetrnc/AT 08/74>06/75 0 231 176 053 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 251 1 1.3 Ghia 08/71>05/73 0 231 146 101 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 204 1 1.3 Ghia 06/73>01/74 0 231 170 034 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 251 1 1.3 Ghia/AT 08/71>05/73 0 231 115 094 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 204 1 1.3 Ghia/AT 06/73>01/74 0 231 170 036 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 251 1 Ghia/AT/USA 08/71>09/73 0 231 167 053 1 237 013 044! 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 204 1 Ghia/AT/USA 10/73>01/74 0 231 170 036 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 251 1 Ghia USA 08/71>09/73 0 231 167 070 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 204 1 Ghia USA 10/73>01/74 0 231 170 034 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 251 1 Ghia Calif. 10/73>01/74 0 231 176 028 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 251 181 1.6 08/71>05/73 0 231 146 101 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 204 181 1.6 06/73>02/79 0 231 170 034 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 251 412 E 1.7 08/72>08/73 0 231 163 011 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 204 412 1.7 USA 07/72>10/73 0 231 172 019 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 204 412 1.8/AT/US 11/73>07/74 0 231 170 093 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 252 412 1.7 08/72>08/73 0 231 146 115 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 247 412 1.7/AT 08/72>08/73 0 231 115 098 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 247 412 1.8 07/73>07/74 0 231 170 093 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 252 1200 Mexico 01/78>on 0 231 170 186 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 251 1200 1.2/1.6* 08/70>07/74 0 231 137 039 1 237 013 057 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 222 1200 08/74>07/75 0 231 170 034 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 251 1200 AT 08/75>12/77 0 231 170 034 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 251 1200 1.3* 08/71>05/73 0 231 146 101 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 204 1200 06/73>07/75 0 231 170 034 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 251 1200 AT 08/71>05/73 0 231 115 094 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 204 1200 AT 06/73>07/75 0 231 170 036 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 251 1300 1.2* 06/73>01/74 0 231 137 039 1 237 013 057 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 222 1300 W.EmmEq 08/68>07/73 0 231 137 035 1 237 013 057 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 222 1300 1.3 08/71>05/73 0 231 146 101 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 204 1300 06/73>07/75 0 231 170 034 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 251 1300 AT 08/71>05/73 0 231 115 094 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 204 1300 AT 06/73>07/75 0 231 170 036 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 251 1302 08/71>05/73 0 231 146 101 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 204 1302 06/73>01/74 0 231 170 034 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 251 1302 AT 08/71>05/73 0 231 115 094 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 204 1302 AT 06/73>07/75 0 231 170 036 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 251 1302 AT/USA 08/70>09/73 0 231 167 053 1 237 013 044! 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 204 1302 AT/USA 10/73>01/74 0 231 170 036 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 251 1302 USA 08/71>09/73 0 231 167 070 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 204 1302 USA 10/73>01/74 0 231 170 034 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 251 1302 Calif. 10/73>01/74 0 231 176 028 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 251 1303 A 1.2* 06/73>01/74 0 231 137 039 1 237 013 057 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 222 1303 08/74>07/75 0 231 170 034 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 251 1303 1.3 08/72>05/73 0 231 146 101 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 204 1303 06/73>07/75 0 231 170 034 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 251 1303 AT 08/72>05/73 0 231 115 094 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 204 1303 AT 06/73>07/75 0 231 170 036 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 251 1303 1.6 08/72>05/73 0 231 146 101 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 204 1303 06/73>07/75 0 231 170 034 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 251 1303 08/75>12/79 0 231 170 186 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 251 1303 AT 08/72>05/73 0 231 115 094 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 204 1303 AT 06/73>12/79 0 231 170 036 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 251 1303 AT/USA 08/72>09/73 0 231 167 053 1 237 013 044! 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 204 1303 1.6AT/US 10/73>07/74 0 231 170 036 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 251 1303 USA 08/72>09/73 0 231 167 070 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 204 1303 USA 10/73>07/74 0 231 170 034 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 251 1302 Calif. 10/73>06/74 0 231 176 028 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 251 3 1.5 08/68>07/73 0 231 137 031 1 237 013 057 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 245 3 1.6 04/72>07/73 0 231 146 113 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 082 1 235 522 027 1 237 330 220 3 1.6 AT 04/72>07/73 0 231 115 096 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 082 1 235 522 027 1 237 330 220 E,EL,LE,TE,TLE04/72>07/73 0 231 163 027 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 082 1 235 522 027 1 237 330 220 Same + AT 04/72>07/73 0 231 163 029 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 082 1 235 522 027 1 237 330 220 914 1.7 08/72>10/73 0 231 175 005 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 207 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 220 914 1.7 USA 06/72>10/73 0 231 174 007 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 207 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 204 914 1.8 09/73>08/74 0 231 168 009 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 207 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 271 914 1.8 USA 11/73>07/74 0 231 181 009 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 207 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 271 914 1.8 USA 11/73>07/74 0 231 176 048 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 207 1 235 522 056 1 237 330 271 914 2.0 08/72>06/73 0 231 174 009 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 207 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 204 914 2.0 07/73>12/75 0 231 174 011 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 207 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 204 914 2.0 USA 08/72>06/73 0 231 174 009 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 207 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 204 914 2.0 USA 07/73>07/74 0 231 174 011 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 207 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 204 914 2.0 USA 08/74>12/75 0 231 172 021 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 204 Kom 2.0 Calif.01/76>07/78 0 231 170 093 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 252 Kom 2.0 Calif.08/78>on 0 237 022 009 1 234 332 300 1 235 522 056 (Kombi) Kombi 2.0 USA 01/76>on 0 231 168 005 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 144 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 271 Sta 2.0 Calif.01/76>07/78 0 231 170 093 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 252 Sta 2.0 Calif.08/78>on 0 237 022 009 1 234 332 300 1 235 522 056 (Stationwagon) Sta 2.0 USA 01/76>08/80 0 231 168 005 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 144 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 271 Tra 1.9 Niger 09/82>on 0 231 168 041 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 314 1 235 522 056 1 237 330 252 Tra Australia 08/77>03/79 0 231 181 005 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 144 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 271 Tra 2.0 Sweden09/76>08/80 0 231 168 005 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 144 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 271 Trans USA 08/72>10/73 0 231 173 009 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 144 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 247 Trans AT/USA 08/72>10/73 0 231 173 007 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 144 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 247 Trans 1.8 USA 11/73>07/74 0 231 181 005 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 144 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 271 Trans AT/USA 11/73>07/74 0 231 181 007 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 144 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 271 Transporter AT08/72>08/73 0 231 180 011 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 144 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 247 Trans 1.6 08/71>04/73 0 231 180 001 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 192 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 204 Trans 1.6 05/73>09/75 0 231 168 001 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 192 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 251 Trans 1.6 10/75>02/79 0 231 168 015 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 192 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 251 Trans 1.6 03/79>on 0 237 023 005 1 234 332 304 1 235 522 056 Trans 1.6 Nig 03/79>03/80 0 237 023 005 1 234 332 304 1 235 522 056 Trans 1.6 Nig 04/80>on 0 231 168 038 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 314 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 252 Trans 1.7 08/72>08/73 0 231 180 009 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 144 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 247 Trans 1.8 08/73>07/75 0 231 168 005 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 144 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 271 Trans 1.8 Cal 02/74>07/74 0 231 170 093 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 252 Trans 1.8 USA 08/74>12/75 0 231 181 012 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 144 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 271 Trans1.8ATUSA 08/74>12/75 0 231 181 014 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 144 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 271 Trans 1.8 Cal 08/74>12/75 0 231 176 048 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 056 1 237 330 271 TransAT1.8Cal 08/74>12/75 0 231 176 055 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 215 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 271 Trans 1.9 44Kw09/82>on 0 237 023 013 1 234 332 303 1 235 522 056 Trans 1.9 59Kw09/82>on 0 237 024 005 1 234 332 303 1 235 522 056 Trans 2.0 08/75>03/79 0 231 168 005 1 237 013 130 1 234 332 144 1 235 522 193 1 237 330 271 Trans 2.0 04/79>on 0 237 023 007 1 234 332 303 1 235 522 056 Trans 2.0/AT 09/81>on 0 237 023 009 1 234 332 303 1 235 522 056
* Strange but true, the 1200 was available with 1600 (1200S), as was the 1300 with 1200 40 Hp engine and vise versa. The 1303 (Super) 1200cc was meant for Italy where the road tax system is based on Hp or engine size.
! Bosch informs that their points # 1 237 013 119 can also be used, these have a Polyimid lifter for better wear resistance.
And yes, the Bosch catalog refers to 'Kombi' and 'Stationwagon'.
Bosch RPM limiting rotors:
1 234 332 144 >5400 RPM normally used in T4
1 234 332 192 >4500 RPM normally used in 1600 Baywindows
1 234 332 314 >4800 RPM normally used in 1600 'Export'
1 234 332 207 >5800 RPM normally used in 4-cyl
You can select one of the above to fit your stock (either T1 or T4) or 009 distributor. If you have a T4 in your '74 i'd recommend the >5400. This one is also good for the performance oriented Bus owner who has a better than stock rebuilt engine with CW crank. For a stock 1600 I'd use the >4800 or a >5000 from another car, Saab maybe. If someone needs a more specific RPM limiting rotor contact me privately and I can sort thing out for you.
If you have one of these in good condition the limit is printed or stamped on the rotor. These rotors limit as follows: on top of the rotor is a springloaded switch. This switch is operated by centrifugal force. When the force on the switch is high enough overcome the spring pressure it will close the contact and the rotor is shorted to ground until the spring takes over again and ignition is restored. Actually, I think that the spark will jump to ground before the switches physically closes, so it's hard to say how accurate the rotors are without testing them on a distributor test bench. But i don't think a revolution more or less will really hurt :)
"I have a 009 with both vacuum and centrifugal advance. The Bosch part number is 0 231 174 009; the VW part number is 039 905 205; it has the marking JFUDX 4 on it."
0 231 defines it as a distributor (although 0 237 is also a distributor and there might be more numbers). 174 009 is the actual Bosch part number. 039 tells what type of VW or VW engine this part is for (in this case a 039 engine). 905 means ignition. 205 is a distributor. You'll find the same 905 & 205 on a EV distributor. If there are more distributors starting with 039 the part number will be followed by code letter(s). I haven't found out what all the letters in JFUDX mean, but the U stands for Unterdrueck (vacuum) and the F for Fliekraft (centrifugal force) the letters will also tell if the distributor has the dual points for the FI system,
There are several distributors of which the part number end with 009.
I have a 0 231 178 009. It's a mechanical advance VW aftermarket distributor. On the underside it has a cast-on boss which states "Germany" on the German made ones. Mine is Brazilian made and the word Germany is not on it.
The 0 231 174 009 was used on 08.72>06.73 2.0 914s both on Euro and US models. I don't have more on it, my data goes back to about '70.
I don't have the advance curve data for it, but I do have that info for the VJR 4 BR 1 through 35 and the original Bosch advance curve graphs of the: 0 231 176 040, 0 231 178 005, 0 231 176 046, 0 231 178 006, 0 231 178 002, 0 231 178 007, 0 231 179 001, 0 231 156 001, 0 231 168 003, 0 231 164 002, 0 231 168 001, 0 231 170 068, 0 231 170 069, 0 231 168 001, 0 231 164 004, [these all aren't necessarily VW dizzies]
AND our beloved 0 231 178 009 JF4
The flat spot of the 0 231 178 009 starts @ 550 RPM =/- 50 RPM (distributor) and ends @ 975 RPM +/- 25 RPM. It can give 9 to 12 degrees of total advance @ 1275 RPM. The point gap should be 0.45mm and the dwell 47 deg. +/- 3 deg.
I would use a rev limiting rotor on any Bus and the Bosch 193 distributor cap which has a clearcoat on both the inside and the outside. The cheaper 056 which is usually sold only has a clearcoat on the inside. On high RPM engine I would use the Bosch 145 points. These have a heavier spring, nickel plated contacts and a poliymid lifter which is more wear resistant than the standard resitex material.
"The top of the distributor shaft appears to have been machined to taper it slightly. I'm wondering if this was normal or if some bozo did this to put on a rotor that really didn't belong on this distributor. I know the rotor from a fully centrifugal 009 won't fit; its base diameter is too great."
There should only be a rounded shoulder. i have the 207 5800rpm rev limiter of a 914 in my 009, and it fits properly.