[T2] travailing out to CA again & GPS systems

[T2] travailing out to CA again & GPS systems

Mike Soultanian mike.soultanian at csulb.edu
Thu Jun 20 07:51:52 MST 2013

On 6/20/2013 5:39 AM, Kevin Guarnotta wrote:
> I think there is a workaround using Google maps - but I haven't quite
> figured that out yet.

Yes, see my previous post about caching.

As for Google Maps proper on the computer, that's one of the best trip 
planning tools I've used.  Start by typing in one address on top and hit 
enter, then click on directions in the left pane.  Type in another 
address next to A and hit enter.  Click "Add Destination" just below 
that and type in another address and hit enter.  I think you can go up 
to letter S or something like that.  If you don't like the order, grab 
the letter and move it up or down.  You can also drag the map and tweak 
the route so it takes you along somewhere you wanna go, just make sure A 
is the first destination, B the next, C, etc etc... If they're not in 
order, you'll be jumpin' all over the place ;)

When you're done click the print button to the right of the "My Places" 
button and now you have your Googlized paper maps :)

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