[T2] Alternator Cooling Boot on 72?
John Garland johnpg82 at gmail.comThu Sep 5 07:29:47 MST 2013
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I've purchased an upgraded alternator from BNR Parts and notice it has a hole in the side that my other alternator did not have. Does anyone know if the 72 has a cooling boot? I did not see one when I last replaced my alternator, if not what is that hole used for? Here is a link to a picture. http://i.ebayimg.com/t/VW-Mini-Bus-Porsche-914-High-120-AMP-Bosch-Alternator-1970-1976-Generator-/00/s/NTk3WDgwMA==/$T2eC16FHJHQE9nzEyHGcBQUm5FhSQg~~60_12.JPG
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