[T2] tire pressure 71 westy 185/R14

[T2] tire pressure 71 westy 185/R14

OKearney o_sconet at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 14 23:35:21 MST 2014

Thanks for all the replies.  as you see, lots of variation.   I had  
already looked at Ratwell, Geowesty and several other ones that  
showed up via Google and they were so mixed, thought I'd ask the lists.

looking at all, I have put them to 35 front, 45 rear, for now!  to  
see how they go. They were in fact very low, 28-29 front,  31-33  
rear. Guess I should check more often. but tire shop said the wear  
was good, so here's hoping.

but really thank you all for very quick replies, I would reply or CC  
individually, but I am sure you don't all want multiple mails
- Cheers, John

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