[T2] weak spark
Mike Benthin muts at verizon.netMon Jan 20 07:14:31 MST 2014
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Could be resistance in ignition on curcuit (long route from battery to key and back) or starter drawing too much current to give you much ignition (+)- try a jumper wire (alligator clips on each end) between battery positive and + contact on coil. Other choice (which we have on Nyssa's bus to direct route after a hot no start) is the direct wire from solenoid contact to battery- we keep it wire nutted at end in engine compartment- to start, connect the jumper, touch the battery, and start! Also good for single person to check for spark. MUTS Oboe/EH support = Michael's Ultimate Thumb Saver 93 Chevy Roadtrek 210P 78 VW Westfalia Camper
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