[T2] Unsteady oil pressure and temp

[T2] Unsteady oil pressure and temp

Sami Dakhlia sami.dakhlia at gmail.com
Tue Jul 15 22:34:18 MST 2014

Thanks Dave and Rob, I will check the wiring to the gauges. A poor
electrical connection was also my first thought, but as I said, the
drop on the pressure gauge was sudden, whereas the drop on the temp
gauge was progressive; the sticky pressure relief valve seemed so much
more exotic :)
Ordered a new distributor, the old one was definitely worn.
Will keep y'all posted once I know more.

On Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 2:28 PM, Robert Mann <robtmann7 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dave featured:
>> Pressure down and temp down at the same time, then back again? Sounds more
>> like a bad electrical connection (ground or 12V). For me pressure always
>> goes down with temp increase.
>         I second that.
>         Altho' the oil capacity of our engines is less than I'd have
> supposed desirable, it provides enough heat capacity that It is quite
> difficult for the oil T to change 20 F in just a couple min.  (CHT changes
> faster.)
> R
>>>  On 15 Jul 2014, at 09:08 pm, Sami Dakhlia <sami.dakhlia at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>  Here's what I found odd: after a good hour of driving, oil temp
>>>  slowing climbed to the 240F mark, while oil pressure remained steady
>>>  at around 24 psi. (The figures are approximate.) Then the pressure
>>>  reading suddenly dropped to about 18 psi and the oil temp dropped at
>>>  well, down to 220F over the next couple of minutes.
>>>  An hour later, the opposite happened, the pressure went up to 24 psi
>>>  and oil temp crept up to 240, then 250 F.
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