[T2] Tracing "a smell" through air vents?

[T2] Tracing "a smell" through air vents?

John Joseph Haluska jjh49 at asis.com
Fri Oct 31 09:41:21 MST 2014

Mine is a 73.

Quoting jules <jules.herr at gmail.com>:

> On Fri, Oct 31, 2014 at 9:51 AM, haluska john <jjh49 at asis.com> wrote:
>>   I am the on the endless quest to eliminate the noxious smell coming from
>> my air vents when my car is running.
> You could have a cracked or otherwise broken part of the exhaust that goes
> through the inside of the heat exchangers - this will leak exhaust gases
> directly into the heating air flow.
> What year is your bus?
> peace
> good luck
> jules '75, '78 westies
> troy, ny

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