[T2] 78 wipers shot

[T2] 78 wipers shot

accessys at smart.net accessys at smart.net
Fri Apr 3 12:36:18 MST 2015

I repaired mine by mixing some J-B Weld and some small bits of steel wool 
mixed into the J-B weld and and slathered the inside of the gear and the 
shaft and made a mound on top and let this cure for about a week.

  (knock on wood) has been working for about 10 yrs now.



On Fri, 3 Apr 2015, Tim Shepherd wrote:

> Date: Fri, 3 Apr 2015 12:10:24 -0700
> From: Tim Shepherd <forever-endeavor at hotmail.com>
> To: Type 2 forum <type2 at type2.com>
> Subject: Re: [T2] 78 wipers shot
> What has most likely happened is the nylon gear has come loose on the shaft. This usually happens when the pivots going through the body have lost
> their lubrication and start binding. The next weak link is the gear
> which is molded onto the shaft, no set screw or anything holding it. I don't know of a fix for this, other than to replace the whole motor.
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