[T2] CHT with Dakota gauge

[T2] CHT with Dakota gauge

david raistrick keen at icantclick.org
Thu Aug 20 12:55:06 MST 2015

On Thu, Aug 20, 2015 at 12:22 AM, c.dreike <c.dreike at verizon.net> wrote:

> A/F ratio runs at about 12.2:1 at WOT, medium
> load on freeway runs around 12.6-13:1, foot off throttle at freeway speeds
> 13-16:1. Maximum spark advance is currently 34 degrees. Thinking about
> dropping that to 32. Have fully electronic ignition (No Dizzy!!).
> Anyone have thoughts on the AF ratio's? Or the advance?

threadjack. :)

assuming you're running anything near a stock cam in that upright,
move that timing max advance to 28.   30 if you -have- to.    34 is
way high, especially for a bus motor.

something in the 16:1 range for light-throttle (~1/3) should be your
general target - 12.75-13 range for WOT.

from memory and a quick check of my notes, anyway.   yours should be
easier to fine tune than my carb. :)

the gist of my notes:

"you should be in the low 14s at idle."
"the richest you should be is 12.25:1. Ideally 12.75:1 at WOT, I
consider .5 swing to be the maximum allowable. So a good target WOT is
12.5-13:1. 16-17:1 up to 1/3 throttle, 12.75:1 after that."


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