[T2] Zbed

[T2] Zbed

david raistrick keen at icantclick.org
Fri Dec 4 16:45:23 MST 2015

On Sat, Nov 28, 2015 at 9:19 PM, Bob Pratt <ka1dza at verizon.net> wrote:
> Has anyone installed a Westy Zbed in a non Westy bus? Was it safe enough to use as a passenger seat too?

factory westy beds attach to the same mounting points that the
passenger bus seats to - using the same T head bolts and 17mm head
nuts.  Just without the "hook" that goes over the rail, and adding a
big metal washer.

The bottom plywood floor of the seat is cut out in the right places.

The design was such that no modifications had to be made for safe
mounting.   There MAY be a few tank-wall mounted additional brackets
that help with bed function (ie, a place for it to rest folded down),
depending on which year and which interior variant....

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