[T2] Weekend maintenance: two small steps forward, one big step back

[T2] Weekend maintenance: two small steps forward, one big step back

david raistrick keen at icantclick.org
Mon May 4 07:46:54 MST 2015

On Mon, May 4, 2015 at 9:41 AM, Greg Potts <greg at pottsfamily.ca> wrote:
> Once it was down I pulled the tin and found the upper head studs around the #3 end of
> the head were definitely loose. There was also a lot of oil around the #3
> cylinder inside the tin. I removed the rockers and retorqued the head, put
> the rockers back on and checked the compression by spinning the alternator:
> 30 PSI. And I could still hear it chuffing a little.
> As a side note, this is an AE 1.7L motor which I detuned using spacers under
> the jugs to lower the compression.

Sounds like time to pull that head - since the tin is off, should be
pretty quick.  If it doesn't turn out to be something very obvious -
check the sealing surface around the head to cyl.  I've seen heads
that were run loose burn a hole through there....or might just have a
bit of carbon build up bound in there from being loose, and just need
to clean it up and bolt it back down.

Of course, there's the obvious - holed piston, cracked/dropped
valve/seat, or cracked head.   But maybe a cracked ring?  Seeing
excess blowby?   anyway, sounds like getting the head off is going to
be the next step.

gl!  hopefully a clean and retorque will do the trick. :)

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