[T2] RE; [Q] Ethanol‏

[T2] RE; [Q] Ethanol‏

Chuck Covington chuckcov at gmail.com
Mon Nov 30 13:39:00 MST 2015

Not to start a political or environmental debate but I think the whole
ethanol in gas thing is crap.  Both my wife's and mine vehicles get at
least 5mpg better with ethanol free gas and they run better.  Funny story,
I was out at Offutt AFB in Nebraska.  One of the guys who worked on base
also had a farm where he grew corn.  I couldn't help but notice that the
gas stations around town all had mid-grade as the cheapest option and the
low grade was the mid-priced.  The mid-grade also had ethanol while the low
and premium were ethanol free.  When I asked why that was he said the
mid-grade was subsidized.  When I asked why all the gas didn't have ethanol
he laughed and said cuz it sucks.  Nobody around here uses that stuff.  So
I said, you grow all this corn to mess up the rest of the countries fuel
but you all don't use it.  Yup, he replied.  Nice huh?

On Mon, Nov 30, 2015 at 3:23 PM, Tim Shepherd <forever-endeavor at hotmail.com>

> That's interesting. There are rumors of Hawaii going entirely ethanol free
> in the near future. Chuck wrote: "A lot of major cities don't have ethanol
> free.  Here in Virginia, all of
>  Northern VA, Richmond and the Hampton Roads area do not offer ethanol
> free.  It wasn't until I got out west of Charlottesville that I saw a
> station that offered it."
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