[T2] sliding door flap
MUTS muts at verizon.netMon Feb 1 06:57:33 MST 2016
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The front of the door has a row of holes that let air flow in from outside- pull the panel (remove clips with flat tool with a slot in it slid under panel, or a putty knife under the entire panel) and check if there is continuity to this slider opening. Someone may have relined the door and left it covered to keep out drafts? The earlier busses (like our 75) had a duct that ran from under dash fresh air duct to surface of panel, good armrest but intrusive. On 2/1/2016 8:14 AM, Kevin Guarnotta wrote: I'm looking at the little sliding blue panel on the lower corner of the door. It looks like it is sort of a fresh air flap of some sort or other. I guess you open the flap while driving, and you get fresh air into the bus? Is that the only purpose of it? Also it looks like the plastic sheeting would stop any air flow - as it would just get sucked against the opening. Anyone have some enlightenment available on this? MUTS = Michael's Ultimate Thumb Saver oboe, clarinet support 93 Chevy Roadtrek 210P 78 VW Westfalia Camper
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