[T2] Good News
Dennis Gentry dennis.gentry at gmail.comFri Aug 18 20:10:04 PDT 2017
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About bits of broken washer having fallen into your engine: This is the fiber washers, not the steel ones? If you don't already have one, install a magnetic oil drain plug and you'll probably find the bits if it was steel! I forget what the filter setup is like on a '65, but it's just a screen, not a paper filter, rightt? I suppose the fiber bits could clog some tiny oil galley, but if they were falling apart where they were, I imagine they should fall apart in hot, pressurized oil. It might be worth changing the oil and checking the filter for bits. Good Luck! On Fri, Aug 18, 2017 at 7:21 PM, Kevin Guarnotta <kevin at guarnottadesign.com> wrote: > OK, I have found a problem. A clearly identifiable problem. > > I looked at the distributor, there was a tiny bit of wiggle in it, but it > did not spin in the clamp. I went to look at the distributor on my '78. > That one is rock solid, and does not move at all. > > I went back to the distributor on the '65. I pulled it out. I spun it > around, it seemed ok. I looked closely at the bottom of it - and found one > of the washers at the bottom of the distributor appears to have broken > apart. What this would cause, I do not know. But It is clearly an issue. > Should I be worried about bits of it having gone into the engine? > > So I've got to either rebuild this one, get someone to rebuilt mine, > and/or get a new one. The one I have is a German Bosch unit. JUR / 0213 137 > 005 / 111 905 205N. My carb is a Solex H 30/31 PICT. > > I think I mentioned earlier my desire to get pertronix (as it was > suggested to me, and I hate adjusting points). I have one of those > aircooled.net svda distributors, which I may be able to swap in here, > while I try to decide the best one to install. > > So if I get a new distributor - aircooled.net sells some with the > pertronix points replacement module already installed. Pertronix 1, 2 or 3. > They no longer have those custom SVDA distributor they put together. Any > recommendations for a distributor? > > Again - thanks for all your help.... I feel like I am singlehandedly > bringing the list back to life...it has been quiet here for a while. Maybe > I'll have to make my '65 my daily driver again. > > ;) > > -Kevin Guarnotta > Jamaica Plain, MA > > '78 Westy > '69 Singlecab > '65 Ez-camper > > _______________________________________________ > type2 mailing list > type2 at type2.com > https://www.type2.com/lists/type2/listinfo >
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