[T2] ❤Re: what a lovely place

[T2] ❤Re: what a lovely place

type2 type4busguy at earthlink.net
Sat Sep 30 02:34:14 PDT 2017


I've recently frequented  a  very  nice and inviting  place, have you been there  yet? Take a peek please http://www.dammans.com/prediction.php?UE90eXBlMkB0eXBlMi5jb20-

Sincerely, type2

From: type2 [mailto:type2 at type2.com]
Sent: Saturday, September 30, 2017 4:34 AM
To: type4busguy at earthlink.net
Subject: Seven ate nine

Well  you see the wild tumblrdite  possess  I'll  conceived stereotypes  about the gays.   In their minds in the  pornographic art one of the men is taking the  role of woman by not being the blah blah stereotype one in the sex act.  This makes even  gay porn  sexist to women as it  perpetuates a stereotype of  women when  the tumblrdite insists they see  a steriotype.

I  wish I was joking but this  is the response I got from a girl in a class who was adamant  that  all pornography harms  woman.   I kinda  made  the joke and was surprised  that I got  an answer I just set stared for a  bit and  gave  up after she actually answered.

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

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