[T2] parts for 79 Transporter

[T2] parts for 79 Transporter

Bob Forman starliftervulcan at gmail.com
Mon Aug 26 08:04:57 PDT 2019



Starting off with Push Rod Tubes and seals.  They leaked from almost day one.  Should have gotten addressed under warranty at VW. Also fuel line and clamps.

I haven’t started engine in the 21st century.  Wish I had fogged the cylinders back then, but battery died and thus I didn’t turn over periodically.  But need to drain fuel first.

Fortunately Bus has been in a garage all this time.


Bob Forman


From: Andy McKinley [mailto:airhedz at gmail.com] 
Sent: Monday, August 26, 2019 12:58 AM
To: Bob Forman <starliftervulcan at gmail.com>
Cc: type 2 <type2 at type2.com>
Subject: Re: [T2] parts for 79 Transporter


Bob, what do you need? A lot of us have parts stashed away.

Andy McKinley
airhedz at gmail.com <mailto:airhedz at gmail.com> 
Love your country, but never trust its government.
-- Robert A. Heinlein.



On Sun, Aug 25, 2019 at 9:17 PM Bob Forman <starliftervulcan at gmail.com <mailto:starliftervulcan at gmail.com> > wrote:

Been looking at ordering parts from Bus Depot but has anyone used cip1.com <http://cip1.com> ?
Some prices seem cheaper there, e.g. push rod tubes

Bob Forman

*  <mailto:starliftervulcan at gmail.com <mailto:starliftervulcan at gmail.com> > starliftervulcan at gmail.com <mailto:starliftervulcan at gmail.com> 

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