[VB] [T2] Fwd: Re: Good News

[VB] [T2] Fwd: Re: Good News

Richard Palmer richard at teamspatula.com
Fri Aug 18 13:43:28 PDT 2017

Did they ever track the hubcap down? I seem to recall it had been kidnapped
a few years back and not seen since. Somewhere there are pics of me with
the old '62 crew cab passing it on in the late 90s...
P.S. my money is still on a sticky needle valve in the carb. I had this
exact thing happen to me years ago. Cleaning wouldn't get it perfectly
fixed, I had to buy a new kit, which at the time you could still do. Seems
like the last carb kit I bought didn't have one, though...Sounds like it
got better after the shop fixed it, but still not 100%.

On Fri, Aug 18, 2017 at 4:38 PM, Al Brase <alribee at gmail.com> wrote:

> Pretty soon we be passing a hubcap? That brings back some memories. Most of
> those people gone now. This is both lists, VB and TII put together now?

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