The site is now capable of locating you, and the nearest members of AIRS. Bookmark this site on your smart phone, or, keep it handy on your laptop or tablet. If you have none of these things, you can search by zip codes along your route. Write a list on your stone tablet, and take it along with you.
If they are near your route and there is time, e-mail them a message and let them know you will be traveling through their area, and what kind of VW you will be driving. They may invite you to stop in, or have coffee somewhere. Who knows, you might not have to crash in a hotel, or spend a long winters night in a campground with no electricity to power that lovable little heater you bought at Wally world.
If you do happen to have problems along the route, say a busted tire/tyre or blown engine/injun, then they are also there to assist you in whatever way they can. Be aware, some amount of preparation should be exercised in anticipation of your journey. A.I.R.S. is not a bunch of rich people looking to hand out money and their time is as valuable as yours. Proper respect in the partaking of benevolent acts is just good manners. I will give no less, I will expect no less!
When signing up, please put the proper name that you would expect to be called by, and not "viper" or "Sabertooth" etc. The locals may call you that, but when 3a.m. rolls around and someone calls your house asking for "Big bad buddah", your wife or family may not be very happy, or you may hang up on them thinking its a prank because you forgot that you submitted that as your name on here 6 months ago.