[T2] Sometimes I'm a bonehead

[T2] Sometimes I'm a bonehead

Lourd Baltimore lourd_baltimore at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 12 00:33:59 MST 2013

Yes, my handbrake need need to be adjusted.  As for the brake warning light, mine has none.

 From: Joe St.Croix <spotop at gmail.com>
To: Lourd Baltimore <lourd_baltimore at yahoo.com> 
Sent: Tuesday, 10 December 2013, 15:12
Subject: Re: [T2] Sometimes I'm a bonehead

you certainly need to adjust the hand brake so as to the point that, you cannot drive forward when it is on, or so it is so utterly apparent that it cannot be misjudged.
I had mine set to 3 clicks when it is pulled out. and when engaged, the bus will not move forward, also be sure the B redlight is on when the handbrake is engaged. couldn't hurt to change the brake fluid if you have never done it.


Joe St.Croix

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