[T2] Removed Westfalia's plywood subfloor, found rust and termites

[T2] Removed Westfalia's plywood subfloor, found rust and termites

J Stafford sunbus at sbcglobal.net
Tue Sep 3 18:27:01 MST 2013

Investigating the source of a rust blister on the left side, just above where the center
panel meets the rocker.  All the campmobile furniture has to come out.   When the

old floor was removed, I discovered some rust and some termites.  Double trouble.

The termites tunneled into about 1/4 of the plywood subfloor.  None of the original
plywood furniture nor the Baltic birch panels appear to be infested. 

The old plywood floor was measured before recycling it in a garbage dumpster.
Width = 60"   Length=52"  Thickness= 5/8" (including linoleum)  It was made in
2000 by gluing plywood and luan sheets together to get the correct thickness.

And one wooden spacer which goes between the plywood and the steel floor
just about where you'd take your first step in thru the sliding door.  It measured
4" x 13" x 3/8"  It was all chewed up, that block was downtown in termite city.

The source of the rust blister/penetration is from water which settled and didn't drain.
Sand, road grime, rust flakes, termite scat, etc were cleaned up yesterday.
Found: Baltic birch plywood piece 60"x60"x1/2" at a hardwood store in Brea, CA
The Armstrong commercial linoleum remains intact, so I'm considering reusing it.
So that's a start.  Need to research the internets, Type2 archives and at thesamba.
My friends with car payments don't understand any of this.  Thanks for reading.

-Jack  '73 Westfalia   Costa Mesa, CA

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