[T2] New to buses - fuel smell normal?

[T2] New to buses - fuel smell normal?

accessys at smart.net accessys at smart.net
Fri Jul 8 19:30:30 PDT 2016

you can find the connectors at Outwater plastics (outwater.com)


On Fri, 8 Jul 2016, Robert Camacho wrote:

> Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2016 21:33:05 -0400
> From: Robert Camacho <bcoldpro at aol.com>
> To: accessys at smart.net, enenen at gmail.com
> Cc: type2 at type2.com
> Subject: Re: [T2] New to buses - fuel smell normal?
> Try busdepot.com. I think the part you may be looking for is N201391? "Vacuum hose", I haven't found the plastic
> "T" connectors yet. You can email busdepot with questions at: sales at busdepot.com and they usually answer
> within a couple of days.
> You'll have to search around under the rear engine door for where these lines are mounted and tucked away.
> "Up and under"....
> -----Original Message-----
> From: accessys <accessys at smart.net>
> To: Ian Alexander <enenen at gmail.com>
> Cc: type2 <type2 at type2.com>
> Sent: Fri, Jul 8, 2016 5:32 pm
> Subject: Re: [T2] New to buses - fuel smell normal?
> NO fuel smell is not normal.probably indicates a bad fuel vent line.these are small tubes on the top of the engine compartment that go to filters in the air intakes.  feeling them is best way to find break. is easy to fix hard to find.BobOn Fri, 8 Jul 2016, Ian Alexander wrote:> Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2016 17:37:07 -0500> From: Ian Alexander <enenen at gmail.com>> To: type2 at type2.com> Subject: [T2] New to buses - fuel smell normal?> > Just got my first bus and am taking it cross country. Noticing a strong gas smell with a full tank or when going up hills. Is this normal or might I have a gas leak?> Fuel injection was just reinstalled, so it has all new lines, FYI.> Cheers - Ian.> _______________________________________________> type2 mailing list> type2 at type2.com> https://www.type2.com/lists/type2/listinfo>_______________________________________________type2 mailing listtype2 at type2.comhttps://www.type2.com/lists/type2/listinfo

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