steve blackham homecraftproperties at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 26 12:17:21 MST 2015

THE EASIEST WAY TO INJECT starting fluid into the air handler is to drill a 1/16th inch hole in the air handler.  Use a red extension tube from a carb cleaning can and attach to starting ether.  Put tube in 1/16th inch hole and inject while cranking (key on).  If it fires up (may need to rotate dizzy to find tdc) you know the ignition, spark etc is working.
I guess you could use a propane torch (unlit) and connect it to the master brake vacuum port?  Haven't tried it though!  Start small for obvious reasons!  
Sound to me that it is a injector,  aka resistor block problem.  You need to pull at least one injector and check for squirt and squirt pattern.  Are the plugs dry, wet, what?
Afterwards, silicon shut the air handler hole or you'll have vacuum problems too!
Owning a bay window is an adventure.  Sometimes an adventure you would like to forget!  It does teach you automotive fundamentals though.  Sometimes the HARDWAY!

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